Past Events

EEI expert on CAP

April, 2005

EEI Policy Counsel speaks at Friedrich Naumann Foundation event on reforming the European Agriculture policy.


Mr. Chistopher Horner is to present the working paper EUROPEAN AGRICULTURAL SUBSIDIES: A NEW APPROACH which is authored by Prof. Richard Vedder, Ohio University in Athens and advisor to the US Congress's Joint Committee on Taxation.


The paper provides new evidence and analysis how European consumers will pay an unsustainably higher price for Europe's much criticized scheme - The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) - with the European Union's addition of ten agriculture-intensive countries while considering the candidacy of applicant states often three-or-more time as Ag-intensive as EU-15 nations


The report shows that applying the CAP in its current form to the new member states leads to larger export surpluses for cereal crops, sugar, milk and beef. Such an outcome might cause problems to agricultural exporting members of the WTO and especially producers in developing countries whose economic well-being is being damaged from the import of cheap foods from Europe and United States. If meaningful reform is not undertaken – in Europe as well as in the United States – the current policies on both sides of the Atlantic will seriously harm domestic producers and consumers.


Prof. Vedder’s paper addresses ways to move to free markets in agricultural commodities while reducing social structural costs.


For more info on the event or access to comments please contact EEI Director of Policy Mr. Marcus Stober

Black Coffee meeting on Advertisment

April 27th, 2005

On April 27th the European Enterprise Institute organized a Black Coffee meeting on Advertisement as a promoter of innovation.

The meeting with the title Advertising: Manipulation, Information or Driver of Innovation? featured Mr. Pat Cox former President of the European Parlaiment, Mrs. Zuzana Roithová MEP (Vice-Chair of the Internal Market & Consumer Protection Committee), Mr. Ross Biggam General Director ofthe Association of Commercial Television in Europe with political conclusion from Mrs. Karin Riis-Jørgensen MEP (EEI Board Member )

The event was moderated by EEI President Mr. Peter Jungen and was attended Brussels based stakeholders including members of the European Parliament.

For summary of the event please download here

EEI at EU Member State level

April, 2005

As a part of its mission to promote a European political debate at national level the European Enterprise Institute co-hosted two events in April, one in Rome and the other in Madrid. The EEI events were organized with the Institute of Bruno Leoni (Italy) and the Instituto Juan de Mariana (Spain).

The events in
Rome included a separate breakout discussion with senior industry and political representatives of the Italian Senate, Chamber and government debating Italy's post-Kyoto choices. EEI expert Chris Horner provided a U.S. perspective to the debate and presented recent numbers submitted by Member States to Brussels demonstrating the  political problems likely to emerge when it becomes clear that each state will be bound to  8% below 1990 emissions, overtaking their promises under the EU's burden-sharing agreement  under which many States received a much more lenient allotment. You can access the presentation here.

On April 20th the European Enterprise Institute participated at the inaugural public seminar with the Instituto de Juan Mariana located at the Universidad de Rey Juan Carlos. The seminar, attended by an overflow
lecture hall audience, was opened by Esperanza Aguirre y Gil de Biedma, President of the Autonomous Region of Madrid and also included senior experts on the Spanish economy.

For more information on this event please follow this link

For more info of any of these events or contact to expert please write to EEI's Policy Director.

Verheugen at EEI

April 5th, 2005

On April 5, 2005 the European Enterprise Institute hosted an discussion with Mr. GĂĽnter Verheugen Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry. The speech:  â€śA new partnership for growth and employment: Challenges and Opportunities for Enterprises in Europe” was followed by interventions from Mr. Ludwig Hantson, Head of Novartis Region Europe and Mr. Claudio Murri, Chairman of AmChamEU.


Summary of event available here

For access to Verheugen speech

For access to Claudio Murri speech

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